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Kylon® Wound Biopsy and Debridement Research Evidence

Ebonie Vincent, Dylan Bach MD, Neal M. Lonky MD, SAWC Poster 2023

Avoiding Hospital OR Surgical Debridement and Tissue Sampling Using a Novel Fabric-Based Technology


Lonky Schultz SAWC Wound-Base Biopsy Poster 2021

Wound Biopsy for Organism Identification and Antibiotic Resistance : PCR example


Lonky Levine SAWC Wound Debridement/Sampling Poster 2022

Foot Web-Space Soft K-Rette® Case Study


Wound Base Preparation



CS-082: Disrupting the Wound Management Paradigm: two new tools in the tool box



Novel use of a nylon hooked medical fabric for compassionate debridement and wound bed preparation prior to grafting
